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Tyson Hopper


Mr. Hopper’s English class

UIL Spelling Coach


1st period - Conference 

2nd – English II

3rd - English II

(Break Tutorials)

4th - English II 

5th - English III

(2nd Lunch)

6th – English II

7th – English II

8th – Study Hall

Morning & Break Duty every

Thursday in the Cafeteria.


Tutorial and assistance are offered three times

day in addition to the class period.

• Morning Tutorials (7:30 – 7:45 a.m.)

• Break Tutorials

• After school (3:25 – 3:45 p.m.)

Students – Questions about assignments and concerns about grades

should first be addressed during one of these times.


Parents – Feel free to email me any time with any questions or concerns you may have. I am available 7:30am-8:40am for phone calls and conferences.



3-Ring Binder, Pencils and Blue or Black Pens

8 Dividers

Notebook Paper

** Other supplies, such as index cards, poster boards, etc. may be required throughout the year. Supplies such as highlighters and post-it notes are used but not required. Pen colors used are blue, black, green, and red. Highlighter colors used are green, blue, pink, and yellow. However, these are not required. 

Bring all supplies to class daily!


Parents and Students may refer to:


Class Syllabus & TEKS


Contact Information:

school phone: 903-389-4177  

Please email me or contact the office for a meeting or conference.





Bachelor of Arts, Criminal Justice with Minor in Middle Eastern Studies,

Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX

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